What You Need to Know About The Turkish Tourist Visa And How To Apply

Ever since Turkey entered the European Union in 1999, tourism has been one of the country’s main economic drivers. This is why the Turkish government has been working hard to make it easier for international visitors to come and enjoy all that Turkey has to offer. In this article, we’ll be discussing the Turkish tourist visa, specifically for citizens of the UAE. Turkey Tourist Visa

What is a Turkish Tourist Visa?

A Turkish tourist visa is a type of visa that allows citizens of countries who have a bilateral agreement with Turkey to visit the country without having to obtain a visa in advance. To apply for a Turkish tourist visa, applicants must complete an application form and submit it along with required documentation to the nearest Turkish embassy or consulate.

Turkey has agreements with over 50 countries, so most tourists who wish to visit Turkey will not need to apply for a Turkish tourist visa. However, citizens of some countries, including Algeria, Angola, Zimbabwe, and Syria, are not eligible to obtain a Turkish tourist visa regardless of whether their country has a bilateral agreement with Turkey.

Turkish tourism is booming, as the country continues to attract visitors from all over the world. As such, it is important that travelers know about the Turkish tourist visa and how to apply for it in order to avoid delays or difficulty while visiting Turkey.

How to Apply for a Turkish Tourist Visa

If you are planning a trip to Turkey, you will need a tourist visa. There are several ways to get a Turkish tourist visa: Turkey Visa for Emirati Citizens

  1. Apply online. The Turkish government has an online application system, which is quick and easy to use. To apply, first create an account on the website, then fill out the required forms and upload your documents. You can also download the application form and submit it along with your passport, plane ticket, and other documentation by mail or courier. The processing time for online applications is usually within three weeks.
  2. Apply at a Turkish consulate or embassy. If you cannot apply online or if you are outside of Turkey, you may have to apply at a Turkish consulate or embassy in your home country. Applying at a consulate or embassy can take longer than applying online, but it may be more convenient because you can pick up your visa directly from the consulate or embassy instead of having to send documentation back to Turkey.
  3. Use a travel agent. Many travel agents in Turkey offer visa services as part of their package deals. You can also find individual agents who specialize in helping foreigners obtain visas for Turkey. However, using a travel agent may cost more than applying through the websites of the Turkish government or consulates/embassies in your home country.

What is the Turkish Visa Process?

The Turkish visa process is fairly straightforward, but there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, make sure you have all the required documents. You will need your passport, visa application form (available at embassies and consulates), two photos, and the required fees (which vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for).

Next, make an appointment at your local embassy or consulate. The appointment is necessary in order to speed up the processing time.

Last, follow the instructions on your visa application form. Make sure to fill out all of the required information correctly and legibly. If you have any questions about the process, don’t hesitate to ask your embassy or consulate staff.